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Golden King Gravel and Rock

Formerly known as Apache Gold
Crushed Granite Rock

Quarried in Central Arizona and Southern Nevada, shipping in bulk throughout Arizona, Southern and Central California and Southern Nevada. Shipment in SuperEarth-sacks throughout California and locations as requested.
Strong golden tan color with good quartz sparkle it, this rock provides a very good color contrast in the landscape with foliage and flowers.

Whether for driveways, pathways, patios, utility landscape areas or to surround trees, crushed stone or decomposed granite can be a versatile material that prevents weed growth, maintain even soil moisture and makes an outdoor space more appealing. These two are not the same material, though. Decomposed granite has a natural coarse look to it, while crushed stone products tend to be more flat and have a higher amount of fine material. Crushed stone products, granite, sandstone, limestone and others offer a greater array of natural colors to work with than most true decomposed granite materials.
Material Size Choices
The use of decorative rock as a landscape ground cover or rock mulch to save water needs to be attractive to be effective. We believe that in most residential landscape and garden installation circumstances this is best done with 3/8" screened rock and not 3/4" screened rock. For pathways and drive areas where foot traffic is expected 3/8" rock materials are best. 3/4" rock works great in very large planterbeds and is important design element in large residential and commercial landscapes. For more creative rock work designs consider using various sizes of rock ruble from 1 through 12 inches.
Rate Per Ton
As a general rule of 3/8" or 3/4" of crushed rock or river pebble material will generally cover a little over 100 square feet of an ground area at a 2" depth.
Rate Per Yard
As a general rule 1 cubic yard of 3/8" or 3/4" of crushed rock or river pebble material will generally cover 125 square feet in a 2" inch layer. A cubic yard of crushed rock or river pebbles material weighs between 2,300 and 3,200 pounds depending upon the type of rock quarried.
Purchase by the Scoop, Skip, Yard or Ton ?
Landscape supply yards are infamous for providing buyers with horrible rates of measurement. In nearly all cases they tell you that "their" scoop or skip is the best deal around and that they always give a little extra. Nothing could be further from the truth. All companies that buy at the wholesale level in our industry pay for their rock by the ton. When buy rock by the tone you are buying value, not hype.
Ask For A Scale House Receipt
Almost any quarry that sells quality rock with a good reputation has a certified scale for weighing large truck loads of rock material. Each "scale house" or "weigh master" issues a weight ticket for the truck passing over the scale. Selling materials by mythical measurements such as the "scoop" or "skip" is the snake oil salesman in the rock yard method for making a quick buck off buyers.
When you pay for materials by ton you know exactly what you are getting. We strongly urge buyer's to request a scale receipt for their orders and not the word of the tractor operator that he put 4 or 5 skips, scoops or yards in the truck.
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Apache Gold Gravel 5/8"  Best Gravel For Driveway Apache Gold Gravel 5/8" Per Yard SuperEarth-Sack

Central Arizona quarry, shipping bulk throughout Arizona and into Southern California. Shipping of rock in SuperEarth-sacks and pallets anywhere requested.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per 1 cubic yard SuperSack $240.00 Arizona & Nevada quarries, low local rates
Inflation Fighter Sale $158.40
Savings: $81.60
Apache Gold Gravel 5/8" Truck Load-Gravel Prices Near Me Apache Gold Gravel 5/8" TruckLoad Per Ton

Central Arizona quarry, shipping bulk throughout Arizona and into Southern California. Shipping of rock in SuperEarth-sacks and pallets anywhere requested.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $144.00 Arizona & Nevada quarries, low local rates
Inflation Fighter Sale $78.00
Savings: $66.00
Golden King Gravel